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Supporting the drive for a gender-balanced future

The world’s transition to lower carbon and renewable energy needs fresh perspectives and ideas to drive innovative new solutions.

One way to support this is undoubtedly to improve gender diversity across the sector. A Boston Consulting Group study found that diverse leadership teams boost innovation, whilst McKinsey’s latest analysis reveals that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity amongst their executive teams are 39 percent more likely to financially outperform their bottom-quartile peers.

As part of a group with a 57% female team, here at EM we’ve always embraced the multiple benefits diversity brings to our business. Which is why we’re proud to be sponsoring POWERful Women’s Annual Conference for a second consecutive year.

Launched in 2014, POWERful Women (PfW) is a professional initiative working to create a gender-balanced, diverse and inclusive UK energy sector that’s fit for the energy transition. PfW’s goal is for women to fill at least 40% of middle management and leadership roles in the UK energy sector by 2030.

This year’s conference takes place on 6 November in London and online.  As well as sponsoring the event, EM will be running a workshop: The Power of Communication. In what promises to be a fun and interactive session, EM Development Director, Natalie Sweet, will delve into the enduring principles of good communication, and explain how we can all apply some of the techniques employed by leading brands to build our own personal brands, become better communicators, and inspire positive change.

“Good communication is essential in building a gender-balanced energy industry,” says Natalie. “But it’s hard to get your voice heard amidst the constant noise and distraction of an always-on society. Our workshop will provide some insights into how companies and individuals can communicate with greater clarity and confidence to get their message through.”        

PfW’s latest report reveals a welcome rise in the number of women represented in the leadership pipeline, but it also paints a disappointing picture of how few women there still are on the boards of UK energy businesses. It’s clear that more needs to be done. Which is why companies and leasers are being challenged to commit to a bold ambition aligned with PfW’s 40% by 2030 target, backed by an actionable strategy and critical enablers.   

Find out more about POWERful Women’s Annual Conference 2024 and register here.