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Re:cognise #1 – Exploring inspirational individuals

Emberson Marketing has always been about the people behind the processes. When you are a remote-first business, with an entirely distributed team, you have to be invested in bringing out the best in each other. Sharing successes. Overcoming challenges. Celebrating what makes us all unique.

Our new Re:cognise Series explores the inspirational individuals we’re lucky to work with every single day – and the people that inspire them.

The importance of openness: meet Karen’s role model

Having spent 27 years in the world of marketing, Karen is the driving force behind the day-to-day successes of some of our biggest clients. So, let’s get to know her a little better.

Hi Karen. What qualities do you look for in a positive role model?

“I always seek out people I can learn from and find myself naturally drawn towards positive people. As a naturally positive person myself, I look up to others who are approachable, honest, hard-working and aren’t afraid to be vulnerable in certain situations. The more open we are about our feelings, the more we can lift each other up.”

How do you try to be a role model to others?

“I try to honour the values I seek out in others. I like to help others and take great pride in seeing them flourish and achieve their goals. By being honest, open and approachable, I hope I can encourage others to be the same. While I try to see the bright side of life, I’m certainly not a closed book. I’d much rather say that I’m having a bad day or something is wrong, rather than staying quiet and hoping someone notices. Self-care is really important and something I’d encourage those around me to be super open about.”

Who would you say is your role model and why?

“While there are plenty of famous people to pick from – I’d have to say my mother has been by far the greatest role model in my life. She didn’t only work hard bringing up two children, she also worked full time to enable us to experience new things, take up different hobbies and see the world. Even in times of adversity, she would make the time to put us first. Helping with homework. Lending a listening ear. Instilling strong values and a determined work ethic. Things I still carry with me to this day. Now, that’s a role model.”

Keep checking back for the next edition of our Re:cognise Series.